Frequently Asked Questions


Am I guaranteed to win using this guide?

No. We guarantee you to have more accurate information about pari-mutual wagering and winning strategies that can greatly increase your chances of winning larger bets than placing a single bet on one dog to win.

How is this guide better than a "tip sheet" at the track?

This guide was meant to be used in conjunction with a tip sheet at the track. The tip sheet will give you daily picks that the "handicapper" has done for you. Pickin' the Puppies will let you take those picks and strategically place them in combinations of bets that can greatly increase your odds of winning!!

Why is your philosophy better than anyone elses?

Our guide is not necessarily one philosophy. It is basic techniques of wagering combined with a professional strategy that depends on how much you want to wager. The more you want to wager, the more you have the power of statistics working for you. We suggest buying the guide with a partner and going to the track and doing the research together.

How can you choose the winner when your not even at our track?

Our guide does not "pick" winners. That would be impossible. Better yet, it teaches you to narrow the field of dogs down and combine those several picks into combinations that can easily payoff! A combination of handicapping, common sense, and placing the right dogs in the right places will enable you to collect greater payoffs.